Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fathers Day

After an interesting day in which the airconditioner over my desk poured water over my computer, phone and internet connections and electrical power points we supported the Branch Young Men, Young Women and Primary organisations 'Fathers Day' activity by holding card making classes then partaking of the meal the youth cooked and activities. The card making was participated in by everyone, the phrase "like to wolf on the fold" describes the eagerness and unwillingness to finish of all youth and mothers involved, not bad for 2 1/2 hours non stop card making. After dinner the youth dressed up their fathers/closest male in a mixture of leaves, sticks, paper, string and whatever was at hand. The 'fathers' then sat in a circle and performed a dance action while I was the judge. When I can I will upload some pictures to show how interesting the men looked, but truly it was their dances that had the entire audience screaming with laughter. In the end Brothers Tony Tey and Michael Tamil won by their outrageous behaviour as, well as????? the pictures will have to speak for themselves. I laughed so hard my throat still hurts.
Oh and by the way the lights in our bathroom stopped working early tonight. Just another interesting day in the life of a mission couple in Malaysia.

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